
Saturday, August 1, 2009

Design Team

You can now apply to be a member of our new Design Team. Click Here for details. Unfortunately I won't be able to email everyone who applies back like I did in the last round, but I promise to look at, and consider everyone who applies. Good Luck!

I also want to thank everyone for all the super nice comments you leave on my blog!


  1. OMG! I've been pacing and stalking here until this was posted!! Soooo excited to submit my application!! Good luck to everyone, and thanks for the opportunity to be considered, Holly!! I just love your designs and would be THRILLED for the chance to play more with them!!

  2. This is just awesome! I just put in my application! I'm super excited!!! YOu have some awesome stamps and I hope I get a chance to be on the team!! praying for everyone that applies! (But I hope I get picked! LOL)

  3. I just put in an application, too! I'm excited! Good luck to everyone! :)

  4. give away !

  5. What exictement this is to be considered for an awesome company!! Your designs are just too darling!! Good Luck everyone!!

  6. How exciting! I posted mine this morning; thanks for the opportunity! Fingers crossed...

  7. Wow... it would be an honor. I have my fingers crossed.

  8. Hi Holly! Thanks for the opportunity to be considered for your latest design team! A friend introduced me to your line a while back... DARLING IMAGES! I adore your designs and am full of hope and appreciation for your consideration: BEST OF LUCK to all! Yee Haw!

  9. Your stamps are just the cutest! I put my application in and thanks for the opportunity to be considered :o)
    You have had some really talented designers this last round and know you will form the perfect team for the next several months! Have a great day!

  10. You have some awesome stamps.
    I hope I get a chance to be on the team. Hugs from Germany...

  11. Thanks for the opportunity! I learned of your company when Heather joined your team and have been loving it ever since! This is so exciting! :-) *hugs & love*

  12. Thanks for the opportunity!
    Love all your latest releases!

  13. Wow what a great chance to work with your beautiful stamps
    good luck girls xxx
    hugs Dawnxxx

  14. I am SO excited about this! I learned about the last DT call just after the deadline, so I have been patiently waiting my turn. :) Thanks for the chance! I LOVE your stamps!

  15. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a kind word! I sent in an application your stamps are a hoot! BR-T

  16. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment! :) I just love your stamps, and you totally made my morning! I am off to makes lots of cards because work prevented me from making any for a week! Gotta hate when works keeps us from crafting! :)

  17. Thanks for visiting my blog Holly. I love your stamps! Those samples were some of the work that my friends did at our crop. I hope you look around the blog to find samples of mine or come back tomorrow when I post a few scrapbook pages!

  18. Wow! What a great opportunity here! I too sent out my application :) I am so excited about this... Good luck to everyone here girls!!!
