Earth day will be here in less than 2 weeks (April 22). I want to know what you are doing this year to help the environment. One of my goals is to start using my re-usable grocery bags on a regular basis. Leave a comment below telling me what you are doing, or plan to do to help the environment. I will randomly choose a winner on Friday, April 16th. The winner will get a “Go Green” stamp set. Happy Recycling!
My kids and I will be planting a little veggie garden. I can't wait to take pictures through out the summer :)
I have been invited by Macys for a pro exhibition environment. Everything I have is recycled items like boxes of corn flakes, boxes of capri sun, from which are made beautiful albums and toilet paper rolls for large books and albums. Finally! Thanks for your candy.
We r going green by planting our own veggy's and not buying water bottles anymore.. We are also planting some trees too! Denise
those are such cute stamps! Love them! Ok, I started using my reusable grocery bags about 2 weeks ago, and bring them with me everywhere! I also plan on making more. I am also going to start using reusable/cloth diapers for my two boys, and going to try out some reusable wipes too! :) Kind of nervous but really excited! (especially to save money AND cut down on so much waste!)
We are a very green family. We have been using our own bags for about a year now. We got them at Ikea and they are very strong and hold a ton. We recycle, but where we live we only get to recycle once every two weeks, so we have doubled the bins we get. We even take the paper off the jars so we recycle properly.
I have planned to do an earth hour everyday of the week. Meaning everyday for one hour we will be turning off all electric appliances, lights, tv, computer and such things. I got inspired by the recent earth hour when we did so and it is a wonderful way of self reflection as well as truly spending time with your family.
Back home in Bangladesh everyday we did not have electricity for at least an hour or more. But those power outage times never irritated us. Infact we designed our lives around it and invented new ways to entertain ourselves. Those were some of the best times ever.
Let's see if I can recreate the magical moments again in Canada.
Such a cute "green" stamp set! Thanks for a chance to win! Our whole state has started separating recyclables and I carry my own shopping bag instead of taking plastic.
I too want to use those bags more. I also want to be more mindful in turning of the lights and recycling more!
We have been using our grocery bags and I even bring bags to other stores, now, too! We have also eliminated plastic baggies from our cabinet! We only carry our lunch stuff in reusable containers! It's wonderful! I also have been crafting with lots of repurposed materials lately!
We have been recycling everything we can for the last 6 years we even have 2 recycle bins and 1 garbage can! :) We also avoid buying water bottles but if we do I keep them and take them home with me to recycle them! My favorite was to save has been to see how long I can go without turning on my AC by keeping the windows open & using fans, last year I made it well into June! it was great to see the difference in my power bill! & I am wishing for Solar Power!!!!
Super Cute Set Holly!
We recycle everything we can and usually remember our reusable bags. If we don't and it is a small purchase, we just go without a bag. I want to try to remember to stop and buy our fruits and veggies at the local market instead of Safeway!
We have a separate bin for all our recycle. We use canvas bags for groceries. We don't use plastic water bottles.
I won't be doing any specific for Earth Day but we do extensive recycling, composting and I try to remember to bring my reusable bags. I will commit to trying harder to bring bags with me for Earth day
heyy holly! well, my daughter is using her own aluminum bottle in lieu of cups and water bottles. we have been recycling of course.. and i love repurposing 'trash' into my craft. :)
My mom's work is in charge of the Earthfest Concert in downtown Salt Lake City at the Gallivan Center! It's sponsored by The Mix 107.9 and the headliners are Train, Karl Wolf, and Hey Monday. I'm helping out a bit with ticket taking and what not.
I'm also planting flowers in some old glass bottles that me and my friend save. Go Earth!
PS- Sobe bottles look flippin awesome as pots for plants... just thought I'd share :]
I don't follow any special "days" (seriously, there is a day for everything under the sun!) but I believe very strongly that the best thing we can do for our planet is to choose to live more simply and consume less, and make that a daily goal.
I use reusable shopping bags, plant a garden in the spring, recycle our aluminum cans.
My little boy is obsessed with recycling. He would love this set:o)
As for what we plan to do to help the environment...I'm hoping to reuse items rather than throwing them away or recycling them. There were some really cute ideas in the April issue of Family Fun!
This stamp set is greenalicious - love it! We're pretty good with most things - we recycle and have reduced our consumption of most things, buy secondhand and local produce when we can, don't own a clothes dryer and never use plastic water bottles. My goal is to green my crafting even further, and to make my wedding as eco-friendly as possible.
I love this stamps set!!! This year I am recycling by setting up recycling bins in my classroom, home an also by using materials at home such as in re-potting plants in coffee containers and such. :D
Thanks for the chance to win :D
We started buying the 1 gallon bottles of water instead of the individual bottles. I figure starting small is a good step in the right direction!
WE have started greening our lunches... taking more re usable bottles for drinks less boxes etc... as well as utensils... a metal set instead of plastic and more compact containers that we can re wash rather than baggies...
we already do quite a bit of greening so this is a good next step!
I live in the middle of a small town so I want to ride my bike and walk more to get places instead of driving.
My co-workers and I regularly walk to our local Trader Joe's and bring our own re-usable grocery sacks...I also love to upcycle things in my crafty projects:)
I love to make things like robots with empty cans and bottle.But now I need to find a place to put them. I'm thinking about making a little shelf with flattened old boxes. Thx for the candy!
I am going to use reusable bags for all of my other shopping. I already use them for groceries, but I am going to start using them for clothes shopping, at target, etc.
I have stopped wasting money buying bottled water and trying to save the earth one plastic bottle at a time.
I am gathering all my to donate items and upcycling to the local thrift store. I am also trying to conserve water as we enter the warm months. Thanks for sharing!
Such a cute set! We have been using canvas shopping bags for the past year now and have built up quite a collection as they sell them at all the grocery stores for $1 and most of the time im there i have always forgotten to bring them so just end up grabbing another one! We have also started using the Earth brand of cleaning products which i'snt harmful to the environment and protects the oceans.
We already recycle, compost, use organic fertilizers, reusable bags, etc. We will be planting 3 trees too (one for each member of our little family)! :)
I ADORE this set- thank you so much for the chance to win it!!! :)
I got married on Earth Day (intentional) 15 years ago today. I will celebrate with my husband -- lots of candlelight and little electricity to start. I already reduce/reuse and recycle everything I can. My goal for April is to find a locale for recycling cardboard.
We use our own bags when shopping, recycle heaps, have a warm farm and a compost bin, and just try to use less stuff.
Yes like you I try to use my own grocery bags and not take the plastic, even if it means stuffing my handbag until it is stuffed full! Also trying to get out on the bike more and use the car less, but that can be tricky in the heat where I live! Love that stamp set!
I'm also trying to reuse my reuseable shopping bags. I'm also trying not to leave things on standby, and turning lights of when i'm not in the room.
Thanks for another great chance to win :)
Sarah M
I plan on continuing to use my knitted coffee cozies instead of the paper ones supplied by the coffee shops (and continuing encouraging others to buy them and do the same).
My GOAL this year is to start using reusable bags when I go shopping. I use WAY too much plastic - bad me!
We are going to plant a garden this year. We did one last year and it turned out pretty well, but with a little more know how I think we can have an awsome garden this year. I also need to remember to take my reusable bags to the grocery store!!! I would love this stamp set for my Birthday wich is April 22!!!!
i reuse my shopping bags, and i decline bags when i don't need one :)
I'll actually be 'celebrating' Earth Day attending my friends' wedding! I've been involved in creating paperie things for their wedding and have always tried to keep the waste to a minimum.
I definitely go shopping with reuseable bags and do not drink coffee or tea unless it's in a reusable mug or cup.
Thanks for this chance!
LUV the stamps! When I worked I ran to work and back (about three to four miles). Plus I try to resale or give away my used stuff so that it doesn't end up in the landfill. In contrast I am going to be "shopping" in my own home. I love planting and I hope to be able to plant some of my own veges. I will be living in the caribbean, so we shall see.
OH. and I always reuse printer paper so that both sides are used before throwing it away.
We started really recycling. It used to be just cans and bottles now we separate paper, break down ceareal and other food boxes and recycle those too.
I have placed bags in my purse for store runs or if I forget one and it can fit in my purse I just take the receipt and tell the clerk "no bag pls"
My fiancée and I have decided to try composting. It's a great way to recycle kitchen and yard waste. Plus, composting is a great way to reduce landfill volume.
we recycle our grocery bags as well, and we turn off the water when we brush our teeth...wow what a savings...insulated our windows and I try to reuse as much as i can on projects...we have a plan to do more
when we dont finish a glass (or sippy cup) of water, we pour it into a pitcher by the sink and use it to water our flowers! and we use reusable bags at the store, and once i decide which kind to get, we are going to start using washable sandwich bags for packing lunches instead od ziplock bags
I have been trying to turn the lights off more. I know it seems like a little thing, but in California we run out of energy in the Summer's, so I am hoping to help out now before it gets really hot.
We keep our winter thermostat at 63 degrees. I keep my tires properly inflated and make trips count by combining errands.
One simple thing I've done is switch from plastic to canvas bags - they're so much cuter anyways!
Oh yes....the grocery bags. I had to put them NEXT to my seat in the van. AND I STILL LEAVE THEM! I will join you in that crusade.
Also, we are growing our own tomatoes, and have vowed to not let them croak. :D
i am going to try and read more online and print less to the printer. AND when i print to the printer i'll use double sided prints...
I will be taking my daughter to recycle our cans and bottles for the 1st time. We want to teach her what it means to preserve the environment. She's only 2 months old... never too young to start!
I am green by recycling, with reusable bags, using a brita filter and water bottle and by reusing containers for altered items. I love what can be made from old products. I made my sister a purse out of Dr.Pepper cans once. Love that stamp set, thanks for the chance to win!
I recycle everything possible. My kids do so as well and are as diligent about it as I am. I'm also looking into way to become more green in my household and reminding myself to REUSE as well! Love the stamps and thanks for the chance to win!
I'm a recycling fanatic! I get a little ridiculous when it comes to taking things from the garbage that someone else has thrown away--but I can't hadle seeing something that is purely recyclable tossed!! Just trying to help out Mother Earth one piece at a time LOL. Love your stamps BTW! Thanks for the drawing!
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