The supplies to make this limited edition book are only available until the first part of June. You can pick up the supplies to make your own book at the O'scrap Warehouse for $24.99
Three lucky random winners will be chosen on May 27th (I will announce them on May 28th).
Each winner will get a kit to make this fun book. (Kit includes all the paper & die cuts you'll need to make this 28 page book.)
You can get extra entries by blogging about my giveaway and or tweeting about it or posting it on Facebook. (*Must reside in the U.S. to win.)
The O'scrap Warehouse is open Tue - Fri 12:00 - 5:00 & Sat. 11:00 - 3:00.
Here's the address for their new location:
510 S University Ave.
Provo, UT 84601
(at the corner of 500 S and University Ave.)
Good Luck!
510 S University Ave.
Provo, UT 84601
(at the corner of 500 S and University Ave.)
Good Luck!
Such a sweet book! Thanks for sharing!
This is an adorable book. My little man would love this!
I shared on my Facebook page
Shared your giveaway link on my blog
That is adorable! I have a 4-year-old who would love it! Thank you for the opportunity to win!
I'm a new follower! This book would be wonderful for my son to start learning his alphabet! Thank you for sharing!!
I tweeted about the giveaway: http://twitter.com/#!/bubbiesmom/status/72296863688163328
What a great book! My kids would love it!
super cute book, thanks for the chance to win!
what a great book! My daughter would love this, perfect for church!
i shared on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/profile.php?id=634716532
Adorable! Love this.
That is awesome..I know my kids at daycare would go nuts over it! hvanconant@yahoo.com
This is so cute and would be great for my grandchildren.
slrdowney at hotmail dot com
I love this! So super cute! Thanks for the giveaway. :)
I would love to make this for my little girl! It's super cute!
how cute! i <3 it!
FB check
blogged it :)
That is soo cute!
Such a wonderful little ABC book! I would love to win this to share with my soon to be 3 grandson Connor!
Thanks for a chance to win!
Holly, you always find and make the cutest stuff. I'd love to be just a tiny bit as creative as you are!
PS - Shared this on my Facebook page. Thanks!
Shared this on facebook. :)
I just blogged about it here: http://fromblankpages.blogspot.com
Thank you for hosting this giveaway!
aimeeeldon at hotmail dot com
What a great way to fix my scrapbooking bug!
How cute! My 4 year old would love this!
jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com
This is such an adorable book I know I'd love to have it to teach my
2 1/2 year old granddaughter her letters...we'd have a lot of grammie and Charlotte fun!
Oh, I'd love to win them! Thanks so much for the opportunity!
I posted about it on Facebook. Thanks again for the opportunity to win!
Oh I love it!! Would love to win!
hisprincess886 at yahoo dot com
I shared on fb - http://www.facebook.com/#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=229619220386876&id=100001891505536.
hisprincess886 at yahoo dot com
I shared on twitter - http://twitter.com/#!/HisPrincess886/status/73390047361118208.
hisprincess886 at yahoo dot com
My children would love this book!!
Looks like a fun book!
My daughter would love this, she has been obsessed with the alphabet lately!
lizgiver at gmail dot com
I tweeted about it
lizgiver at gmail dot com
blogged about it
lizgiver at gmail dot com
I'd love to win this kit! My little guy is just starting to take an interest in letters and the sounds they make. I think that, by making the book with him, he's be even more motivated to play with and learn from it!
ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com ☮
What a cute idea-my friend's grand daughter Khloe is learning her letters-ideal for her
http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/profile.php?id=1210474835 Julie Scott Laws
shared on fb
cute cute book thanks for the chance eaglesforjack@gmail.com
cute book - thanks for the giveaway
robinlscott4 at hotmail dot com
robinlscott4 at hotmail dot com
fb post
Robin Scott
robinlscott4 at hotmail dot com
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